Alyth Primary School
Remote Learning and In-School Learning (January 2021)
Remote Learning is the term used to describe when learners and teachers are not physically present together in the traditional classroom environment.The main elements of remote learning can include:
· Learners can be provided physical resources where needed such as learning materials, textbooks and digital devices.
· Live learning and teaching sessions for learners can be delivered e.g. by communicating through the chat function or through live video links.
· Live sessions (as above) can also be provided in the form of check ins, to discuss and engage in person with learners following a learning task and to set tasks for completion and submission.
· Learners can get access to recorded learning sessions and tasks and staff can engage regularly with learners through email or an agreed platform.
As a minimum the PKC recommendation is: -
· Early Level (ELC/P1) – one remote learning interaction per week.
· First Level (P2-4) – one or two remote learning interactions per week.
· Second Level (P5-P7) – two to three remote learning interactions per week.
Classes will have a weekly ‘live’ chat on Teams.
P1 Thursday 10.00 - 10.30
P1/2 Thursday 11.30 - 12.00
P3 Wednesday 10.00 - 10.30
P4 Monday 11.00 - 11.30
P5 Tuesday 11.30 – 12.00
P5/6 Monday 1.30 - 2.00
P6/7 Monday 10.00 - 10.30
P7 Tuesday 10.00 - 10.30
· Delivery of learning at home: teaching staff will deliver all learning plans and approaches from home. Other school staff may also be part of the planned support to pupils at home.
· Delivery of learning in school: pupils who are accessing schools will be supported by nursery staff and support staff to access the same remote learning offer as their peers.