It has been a busy start to our year in P4. We are excited to be back in school and we are enjoying being with our friends.
We have been learning all about emotions through the film 'Inside Out'. We have explored lots of emotions and understand that emotions can change. Sometimes we can feel overwhelmed and we made emotion wheels to help us cope. We have made split self portarits showing how we look on the outside and how we feel on the inside. We made brain hats when learning about the part of the brain which controls emotions.
In PE we have been learning to play tennis with Mr K. So far we have learned how to balance a tennis ball on the racket and bounce it up and down. To help us with mental maths we have been playing buzz and elevens which is good fun!
This week we have used the Book Creator app to present facts about Michael Morpurgo, who is a famous children's book author.
By Blythe and Cora, P4 Mini Journalists
News from Primary 4